Selected Publications
Ackerman, J.M, Merrell, W.N, & Williams, L.E. (2024). Social cognition and consumer psychology. In Donal E. Carlston, Kurt Hugenberg, and Kerri L. Johnson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, Second Edition.
Mead, N.L. & Williams, L.E. (2023). The pursuit of meaning and the preference for less expensive options. Journal of Consumer Research, 49, 741-761.
Mead, N.L. & Williams, L.E. (2022). Can't buy me meaning? Lay theories impede people from deriving meaning and well-being from consumption. Current Opinion in Psychology, 46.
Pomerance, J., Light, N.E., & Williams, L.E. (2022). In these uncertain times: Fake news amplifies the desires to save and spend in response to COVID-19. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7, 45-53.
Poehlman, T.A. & Williams, L.E. (2017). The case for considering consciousness second (Response to invited commentary). Journal of Consumer Research, 44, 276-282.
Williams, L.E. & Poehlman, T.A. (2017). Conceptualizing consciousness in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 44, 231-251.
Williams, L.E. (2015). The building blocks of design: Conceptual scaffolding as an organizing principle for design. In R. Batra, C. Seifert, & D. Brei (Eds.), The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Desire (pp. 26-39). New York: Routledge.
McGraw, A.P., Williams, L.E., & Warren, C. (2014). The rise and fall of humor: Psychological distance modulates humorous responses to tragedy. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 566-572
Williams, L.E., Stein, R., & Galguera, L. (2014). The distinct affective consequences of psychological distance and construal level. Journal of Consumer Research, 40, 1123-1138.
McGraw, A.P., Warren, C., Williams, L.E., & Leonard, B. (2012). Too close for comfort or too far to care? Finding humor in distant tragedies and close mishaps. Psychological Science, 23, 1215-1223.
Williams, L.E., Bargh, J.A., Nocera, C., & Gray, J.R. (2009). The unconscious regulation of emotion: Nonconscious reappraisal goals modulate emotional reactivity. Emotion, 9, 847-854.
Williams, L.E., Huang, J.Y. & Bargh, J.A. (2009). The scaffolded mind: Higher mental processes are gounded in early experience of the physical world. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 1257-1267.
Williams, L.E., & Bargh, J.A. (2008). Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth. Science, 322, 606-607.
Williams, L.E., & Bargh, J.A. (2008). Keeping one's distance: The influence of spatial distance cues on affect and evaluation. Psychological Science, 19, 302-308.