Belief in the Social Contract Scale
Mead, Williams, Tian, and Naemi (in progress)
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Instructions: Please answer the following questions. All responses are completely anonymous. There are no right or wrong answers so please answer honestly.
Governments/the state are as much a part of the social contract as individuals.
A social contract applies to people both when they are at work and when they are not at work.
I accept and abide by the same rules that I expect others to accept and abide by.
I believe that the social contract applies to myself just as much as it does to others.
I believe there is a social contract between the individual and society which guides the behavior of both sides.
For society to function properly, both the individual and the society need to follow the unwritten rules (i.e., the social contract).
I believe that individuals have a responsibility to abide by the rules of the social contract.
I believe there is a social contract which requires that people abide by certain rules in exchange for the benefits of living in society.
For society to function properly, both businesses and the society need to follow the unwritten rules (i.e., the social contract).
I think that the social contract provides a valuable framework for understanding the rights and responsibilities of individuals and the government.
The social contract is necessary for achieving a just and equitable society.
I feel that the principles of the social contract are still applicable in today's society.
I believe that upholding the social contract requires active participation from both individuals and the government.
I feel that the principles of the social contract are still important in today's society.
Responses made on a 7-point scale:
(1) Strongly Disagree
(2) Disagree
(3) Somewhat Disagree
(4) Neither Agree nor Disagree
(5) Somewhat Agree
(6) Agree
(7) Strongly Agree